Who can benefit from our services?

We provide a service that enables people, especially older and more vulnerable individuals, to live independently in their own home. You never know when accidents or incidents will happen, that is their nature. We want you to remain independent at home but recognise you may require a little bit of extra security and peace of mind for yourself, your family and your carers.

As we get older, we’re many times more likely to have an accident. Failing eyesight, poorer balance and slower reactions – sadly, they all play their part, and when you live alone, even minor accidents can have major consequences.

Reach & Respond offers support and peace of mind to anyone, particularly to people who:

Live alone@2x

Live alone


Are elderly or vulnerable


Are caring for someone


Are at risk of falling or are less mobile


Are unwell


Are at risk of seizures


Have learning difficulties


Are living with dementia


Have recently come out of hospital


Have no regular visitors

How does it work?

Experience peace of mind with Reach & Respond’s innovative technology. Our discreet alarm unit, connected to your home, ensures 24/7 support. A lightweight pendant, worn around your neck or wrist, features a button for instant help in emergencies. Our 24/7 control centre responds to your call and dispatches assistance based on your needs. Even if you can’t speak, our team knows who you are and where you are. Telecare sensors automatically alert us to emergencies, providing a swift response.

Our Digital Lifeline alarm just plugs into an electrical wall socket and uses mobile SIM card technology to raise an emergency call. If an analogue Lifeline alarm is required, this will require a working connected BT telephone line and an electrical socket within 2 metres of each other.

Join Reach & Respond for seamless and reliable emergency support!

“Keeping the door open to independence”.

1. Press the button on your pendant or wrist band

2. An operator will take your call within seconds

3. We will get you the right response for your emergency

All you need to join Reach & Respond is:

  • An electrical wall socket – our latest technology uses a SIM card to make a call to our call centre so you do not need a landline.


Where does Reach & Respond cover?

Reach & Respond helps over 9,000 people to stay safe in their homes across the Tees Valley, Hambleton and the North Yorkshire coast.

Our services

Friends & Family

This service gives you 24-hour peace of mind that you’ll be able to connect to us at the click of your pendant button.

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Redcar & Cleveland and North Yorkshire Council offer a handyperson service, undertaking small jobs for older and vulnerable local residents.

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Monitor & Response

Monitor & Response gives you access to our team of responders 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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Personal care services

Benefit from our personal care services which are designed to support you with day-to-day living, helping you live life to the full.

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Reassurance calls and visits

We offer daily reassurance calls and visits to our customers, to give extra checks on their health, safety and wellbeing.

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Telecare gives you all the benefits of Friends & Family and Monitor & Response, with the added benefit of sensor technology.

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