Data protection

Beyond Housing and its subsidiaries are responsible for collecting, processing, storing and the safe keeping of personal and other information as part of our business activities.

By completing any form on this site, you are giving your consent to the processing of any personal data you may have supplied. This will be carried out in accordance with our Data Governance Policy.


How to find out what personal information we hold on you

Most of the information we hold is fairly obvious and, in most cases, we hold it because you have given it to us. As a customer, you have a right of access to the personal data that we hold for you.

For further information, please see our Your Privacy Matters.

Our mission is to provide services our customers value, homes they want and places they are proud of, all delivered by people who care.


Social media and community guidelines

We welcome open and honest conversations. We do not condone comments, messages, images or videos that contain:

  • Swearing
  • Threatening or abusive language
  • Political views
  • Racism
  • Discriminative language (including targeting people because of their disabilities, beliefs, religion, etc.)
  • Offensive language
  • Naming and targeting specific employees
  • Are vexatious in nature.

Breach of our community guidelines will result in being blocked from the page and where necessary, reported.

Type in your postcode and click 'Lookup' to find your address or click 'Manual Address to type it all in yourself.
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